okay, so this one here is almost a throwback to my earlier non-ambient days. The song is not only rhythmic and structured, but based around predominantly non-reverb drenched guitars.
And I mean a lot of guitars layered over a lot of guitars. It’s the closest thing to a ‘rock’ song you’ll likely hear me put out. My fingers hurt. I need to keep on my guitar playing to keep this from happening.
Anyway, I guess I’ll call this one another bold little shot in the dark. It’s builds and builds and layers and layers with voice, keys and guitar (on guitar on guitar). It’s the title track off of album 161 and I hope you like it.
‘Part Two’ is very much what it literally sounds like. It’s the continuation of the title track of my 161st album “Electrica”. It has more vocals and reverb, building similarly (with structure) to Electrica, but without the guitars, without the density of that one (replaced by a different density).
It’s actually track three off of the album. I don’t mean to build it up since, well, Electrica’s proven to have some of the best feedback that I’ve ever gotten. I do love it, as it’s own piece but works well in the idea of Electrica