Click here to download 'With An Empty Heart And A Half-Full Pokédex (He Straddles His Starmie And Surfs Into The Abyss).mp3
‘With An Empty Heart And A Half-Full Pokédex (He Straddles His Starmie And Sufs Into The Abyss)’
Havinghorns noted the other weak that once I reach album 151, I should call it “MEWTWO”, after the 150th Pokémon. Now at that album, I’ve not only taken the advice, but ultimately taken the album a conceptual step further. True, the titles have little to do with the pocket monster in question and more with our hero, Mr. Ketchum, but I believe the tragic element of the Widow’s Son hunting wild beasts and using them to battle in the place of his fellow man works in a similar vein. Mewtwo has an air of tragedy to it, and I’ve tried to tie that in to the truly sad figure of Ash. Though on the outset, he seems happy, driven & content with his life on the road, but one can’t help but wonder the toll it takes on a man to constantly see those he loves the most, those little monsters, often beaten towards the brink of blacking out (often, if not more traumatizing, beating other little beasts to that very limit).
The reason I chose Starmie as the aquatic pokémon in the title is simply due to the fact that it’s always been my favorite.
Here is the third song off of the album, the longest song. It’s mournful clarinets mix with some guitars and atmosphere and is heavily improvised and edited in post. I hope you enjoy! Download the song by clicking on the title.